
Root Development

Root system function is compromised by inadequate availability of phosphorus, calcium, and soluble carbon due to chemical tie-up in the soil.

Phosphorus, calcium, and carbon require specific chemical reactions to maintain plant availability. Increased availability and solubility leads to improved quantity and quality of roots.
Optimum phosphorus nutrition is associated with the quality and quantity of the root system. Natural soil chemistry conditions tend to quickly tie-up conventional phosphate fertilizers into chemical bonds that cannot be assimilated by the plant. Conventional phosphate is often applied in excess to compensate for these undesirable soil chemical reactions.
Calcium plays an essential role in root growth and is often overlooked. Inadequate plant available calcium will severely limit root growth.
Soluble carbon is critical to proper microbial function in the soil. Adequate microbial activity in the soil directly impacts root development.


Improve nutrient & water uptake
Nitrogen efficiency
Nitrogen metabolism
Strengthen Root Tips
Soil moisture
Soil structure
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve soil structure
Strengthen Root Tips
Soil moisture
Soil structure
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve soil structure
Strengthen Root Tips
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Silicon Nutrition
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve cell wall strength
Strengthen Root Tips
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Silicon Nutrition
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve cell wall strength
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Nitrogen efficiency
Nitrogen metabolism
Lateral root branching
Improved complexed P
Lateral root branching
Improved complexed P
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Improve plant antioxidant production
Lateral root branching
Strengthen Root Tips
Increase microbial activity and diversity
Soluble carbon
Improved complexed P
Increase plant respiration
Improve plant antioxidant production


Strengthen Root Tips
Soil moisture
Soil structure
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve soil structure
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Nitrogen efficiency
Nitrogen metabolism
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Improve plant antioxidant production
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Nitrogen efficiency
Nitrogen metabolism
Lateral root branching
Improved complexed P
Lateral root branching
Strengthen Root Tips
Increase microbial activity and diversity
Soluble carbon
Improved complexed P
Increase plant respiration
Improve cell wall strength
Improve nutrient & water uptake
Nitrogen efficiency
Nitrogen metabolism
Strengthen Root Tips
Calcium Nutrition
Improve cell wall strength & microencapsulation
Silicon Nutrition
Improve plant structure
Improve soil moisture
Improve cell wall strength

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