

by Jeff Yoder

One of the takeaways for the produce world during the pandemic was the value of a resilient onion crop with optimum storability. Achieving this can help growers and shippers manage an unpredictable supply chain.

A critical building block to accomplishing this goal is supplying enough calcium to the onion tissue during cell division, which increases your chance at a firmer, longer-lasting vegetable.

Onion bulbs

Right now, bulb initiation is underway in many onion fields in Washington’s Columbia Basin. Redox has two products that aid in calcium nutrition and storability. Mainstay™ Calcium is specifically formulated to provide concentrated plant-available calcium for plant nutrition and soil structure. Calcium is an important consideration throughout the entire growing season. However, increasing calcium applications for the next several weeks are crucial to the developing storability in the onion bulb.

Another key component is Mainstay™ Si, which is specifically formulated to provide efficient calcium and silicon nutrition.

Onions have a long and productive history in Washington, with the first crops planted in the late 19th century. Washington ranks third in the U.S. for onion production.

Questions? Want to know more about Calcium is Foundational to a Strong Onion Crop?

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Jeff Yoder
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